Short term topic based sessions
-Ideal for players needing to get focused training on particular topics.
Clinic Information
If you are looking for supplemental training throughout the year, attending our clinics is a great way to learn and improve your technical skills in a fun training environment.
Both male and female players are welcome to attend, regardless of club affiliation. Clinic will be an intense 1 hour of training focusing on specific aspects of technical training.
Our Bring a Friend Clinics are free to join if you bring a friend that has not trained with us.
For those wanting to come to clinic sessions on a regular basis, we offer clinic memberships!
Clinic Topics:
Passing & Receiving
Speed Plyos & Agility
Performance Training
Shooting & Finishing
Footwork & Dribbling
Speed of play/Decision Making
1v1 Defending
1v1 Attacking
Cancellation Policy: In case of any cancellation (rain out etc.), we will have a make-up date in place at time of session,
Our Clinics are limited to the first 12 players who register!
July and Aug Clinic sessions
July 12th or 13th: 1v1 Attack
July 20th: Technical foundations Bring a Friend Clinic
July 26th or 27th: Shooting and Finishing
Aug 2nd or 3rd: 1v1 Defending Bring a Friend Clinic
Aug 16th or 17th: Bring a Friend Clinic
Aug 23rd or 24th: Shooting and Finishing
Location: Missouri City, Baines Grass field
Please keep in mind, if training program does not fill up to the necessary number of players needed, you will be notified prior to the start date and other options will be provide for group training.
Register Here!
Clinic Registration
$50 for one day
$100 for Clinic Membership( *Limited deal* 4 sessions per month for price of 2!( bring a friend clinics are excluded)
Small class sizes( at most one coach to six player ratio)