The 5 Mindset traits of a Champion
So many players tell me they want to be champions.
However, do they have the right mindset traits?
No, it has nothing to do with the physical abilities, but rather their will and mindset.
Does your player have these characteristics:
1) Do whatever it takes to win the game.
I see this all the time when I go to watch players play. They are willing to do the work when it is convenient or feel that they will get their just due for doing the dirty work.
Champions know that their work is worthwhile. They embrace doing whatever it takes to win(within the rules) but understand that most people on the outside will only see a fraction of what they do.
2) Does the work when no one is watching?
One of the partnerships I love offering to players in our program is Techne( check it out here!) Those players who have embraced techne training plans have grown much faster and improved much quicker in between our sessions. They take ownership and do the hard work without me being there to encourage and motivate them. They do not have to be coach directed, but self-directed.
3) Do they manage the game situations: remaining calm and collected when they are ahead or behind?
Great players understand that most games are never really finished. You can be up by two goals or behind by two goals and still somehow lose or win, respectively. Champions understand this and do not let up until the game is entirely out of reach. They know that different situations call for cool logic.
4) Do they lead their teammates either by communication or by action?
Champions understand that great teams are self-lead and self-motivated ( go back to point #2). They do not wait for a coach to challenge them but take the responsibility to motivate their team.
Great champions step up to the plate with their leadership style. Either they motivate through encouraging their teammates with their words( challenging them to hold to the team standards, letting them know they have their back when they mess up, etc.) or lead their team with the work that they put in( showing up early, staying late, etc.).
5) Do they remain persistent when they suffer a setback( injury, rejection, etc.)?
Every single athlete( and person for that matter) suffers setbacks.
Champions though, know how to manage and motivate themselves through their setbacks. They do not see their failure as final but rather an opportunity to learn!
Going through this list-Does your player have these characteristics?
If not, reach out to me here, and we can start the application process!