5 most overlooked considerations for student athletes
The college process has a myriad of items for players to focus:
When your club coaches give you and your player all these items to do(usually on the college recruiting night!), you get caught on doing all the practical matters.
Still, frequently these other vital areas of considerations are overlooked.
In the process of looking to play college soccer, these are areas that players should concentrate on.
I have included sample questions you need to ask your player or (your player needs to ask the coaching staff!)
Academics: If you want to go to college, you are going to get an education. I believe that academics should be a primary part of your decision making.
Prepared student-athlete: What is your graduation rate? Do athletes have to go to study hall? Are there tutors available for all classes? If you miss classes because of games, do teachers work with you? Is there academic advising?
2. Culture: This is where you are going to be spending a lot of time, and you want to know the culture and environment that you will be joining.
Prepared student-athlete question(s):
Do you have meals with the team? Do athletes live together? Do they have priority registration for classes?
A big one: What the current team members say about the college? What are they say about the team? What are they say about the coach?
3. Scholarship/financial: Scholarships and Finances is a big-time decision. More than ever, knowing how much you can afford is an essential piece of the puzzle. Sitting down as a family is something all players and parents need to do to understand which place is a viable option.
Prepared student-athlete: Is your scholarship affected by injury? Are scholarships modified based on my performance? If I need a fifth year of school, will the school cover it?
4. Coaching: Obviously, the coach is going to have a big-time effect on your college career. Do your research about the coach! Listen carefully and be wary. You want someone who will help succeed in college and prepare you for life afterward.
Prepared student-athlete questions: What's the coach's philosophy towards their sport? Does the coach have a reputation for being successful? Is the coach honest? Does the coach take the time to answer all of your questions?
5. Personal consideration: These are what is most important to you in your situation!
Prepared Student-athlete: To what extent do you want to devote yourself to a year-round commitment? Would you be satisfied with college( academic and socially), if you didn't play the sport? How does this college compare with others? Do you feel that you will get enough playing time?
There you have it—some of the most critical and overlooked considerations for a prospective student-athlete.
If you want more individualized guidance on the essential considerations on college recruiting, I'd love to hop on the phone and help.