Does your player prioritize?

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Today, I want to focus on what your soccer player’s prioritize in their life.

I will start off the bat by saying there is much more to life than soccer. I am very fortunate to play/coach this game but if all I am remembered is being a soccer trainer/player, then I have lived a poor life.

That being said, I do want to invest my time in my talents and abilities that I have been given and use them to benefit others. I have to prioritize my time. Now, I loved playing video games when I was growing up(still do!) but as I’ve gotten older, I realize that I don’t have as much time to play them. Why? Because I much rather prioritize my time spending helping others get better!

Players may have to give up something they like to do something they love.

If your player needs help prioritizing this summer, please let me know! I would love to help them!

Tay Fletcher